Monday, September 22, 2008

Shared Power?

On 9/13,a deal was struck that would allow President Mugabe to keep power but the opposing party inZimbabwe would be granted more positions of power.

I am not really sure what this will do. It seems like Mugabe has been the non-officially-recognized Dictator of Zimbabwe for awhile now. How is putting the opposition party in seats of power going to change what a dictator does?

What exactly will this do for the economy? To enhance the ability to help those who need food and medical care? I was interested in seeing what others would say about this in the press. Widespread caution among commentators over how this will fare was the overwhelming response. Exactly how quickly the deal could end the crisis or persuade Western powers - deeply opposed to Mugabe - to step in with massive financial support to aid recovery?

There is still much to be done but I am not sure this is the right next step. Mbeki is next it seems....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is a very positive development. Obviously the country was not working with Mugabe solely in power. So change was needed.

And I am heartened that power was granted to the opposition without bloodshed.

just my 0.02