Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nothing But Nets: It's About Africa Part 2

Following up on my latest post, there was a small amount of information about something called Nothing But Nets. I wanted to follow up on the subject with a bit more explanation because it is a incredibly worthy cause!

Malaria is the leading cause of death of children in Africa killing nearly one million children a year! In the poorest parts of the world, where effective window screens are lacking, insecticide treated bed nets are arguably the most cost-effective way to prevent malaria transmission. Studies have shown that the use of insecticide treated bed nets can reduce the transmission of malaria by as much as 90%!

As part of joint effort between the National Basketball Association, The United Methodist Church, Sports Illustrated and the United Nations Foundation, bed nets can be purchased for a 10 dollar donation. These nets will be delivered directly to children in need in Africa!

While 10 dollars does not seem like much to us, this amount is out of reach of those in Africa who survive on less than 1 dollar per day. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has agreed to match every 10 dollar donation so you can buy two nets for 10 dollars!