Friday, October 31, 2008

A Nation of Complainers

And yes, I include myself in that discussion because I am as guilty as anyone is.

Unfortunately, as a society, we think we deserve more than we are receiving. We have a tendency to forget that if we have $2,000 dollars in the bank, we are among the top 10% richest people in the world. So if you have an emergency fund at all, you qualify.

I think we all need to be more thankful for what we do not have rather than complaining about what we don't have. There are plenty of people in the world who have much less than we do...approximately 90%.

The world would be a much better place....discuss amongst yourselves....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Little Sexism by the Press?

I was amused to read what the RNC spent on clothes for Sarah Palin. While it was a large amount, it got me to wondering, is this a bit sexist?

If the RNC would have bought suits for a male veep, do you think this whole conversation would have taken place?

I don't think so...discuss amongst yourselves......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mugabe is at it....again!

I expressed some initial worries about the power-sharing deal in Zimbabwe. The reason I was worried was because I had read and heard from people in Zimbabwe the things Mugabe was doing and didn't trust him to share power...with anyone!

It seems those fears were not unfounded. Mugabe essentially ignored the power-sharing agreement by appointing all cabinet positions to those in his own party. So much for the sharing part of that discussion.

His party, ZANU-PF, took 14 ministries, including defense, justice, information, foreign affairs and the powerful local government ministry. It also took mines -- the key to the remaining sources of wealth in Zimbabwe, mainly diamonds and platinum -- and land. Two opposition parties were given 16 minor posts, such as parliamentary and constitutional affairs, sport, labor, arts and culture and education.

Guess which major part of the government Mugabe didn't assign to his Mugabe doesn't want his party to be to blame for the economy of Zimbabwe. The other party now becomes the fall guy for the inflation, etc.

He wants the mines of course though because that is where the wealth of the nation is....

Greed is not good, sorry Gordon Gecko.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Only Maverick Comment....

I have liked during this whole election came from an unlikely source: Mark Cuban.

After essentially saying he was sick of the election, he commented on the "Maverick" title that McCain's supporters have thrown around him. His comment was the best thing he could do is make a few thousand Dallas Mavericks jerseys with the last name McCain on the back of them and sell them at RNC headquarters!

Mark Cuban is a brilliant marketer and I had the privilege of having ice cream at a Dairy Queen in the Dallas area served by him based on his criticism of refereeing in the NBA. He served with a smile even then! I like Mark Cuban because he thinks outside of the box even in crazy times.

That made me laugh and gave a moment of levity in what we are currently experiencing! And to quote my boy Robert Randolph (who is brilliant live!) Ain't Nothing Wrong With That....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Litmus Test

During the debate (don't get me started about how they didn't say anything new), there was a question about Supreme Court justices.

McCain was asked about whether he would ever propose a candidate who was not pro-life. McCain's response was that there was no "litmus" test. He would put forward the best person. The question was turned, the other way, to Obama where he was asked if he would propose someone pro-life. He was less forthcoming on the litmus test issue in my opinion.

Questions: Should there bit a litmus test for a Supreme Court candidate for each potential president? Even if they don't say there are litmus tests, does each candidate have a litmus test?

Talk amongst yourselves....

Friday, October 10, 2008

Tim Dart Takes a Stand

The housing crisis has a new hero. His name is Tim Dart and he is a Sheriff in Cook County, IL. He has decided to stop evicting people from their home when their landlord and/or bank has not given them notice which is required by law. He cites many cases of people not even knowing their landlord had converted apartments to condos and the landlord stopped paying the mortgage.

His stance is a radical one. He will still evict people from their home for failing to pay their mortgage or when they have been notified. A number of judges in Cook County have reacted to his stance negatively.

If banks and landlords would do their due diligence, would this even be an issue?

Questions for all of you: Do you agree with this stance? What would you do if you were in his shoes?

Talk amongst yourselves....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A few thoughts...

Some thoughts on last night's debate....

1. McCain coming out with his mortgage plan on national TV was gutsy. It won't get him the points he needs to win the election, but it was interesting.

2. Obama won points by being more composed than McCain. McCain's pointing to Obama and saying "that one" seeemed snarky and cranky. Not good.

3. I don't think either candidate (or anyone else for that matter) has a really good idea what to do with the economy.

4. McCain tried to look more comfortable around the non-rich last night. Didn't really work.

5. The question of why would we trust either party was funny and cut right to the bone.

6. Obama saying that he nor McCain need a tax break was a good admission.

7. How can anyone know what they don't know? If they knew it, they would have already learned it!

Here's a topic discuss amongst yourselves....the candidates were proposed three priorities: entitlements, energy, and the economy. Which of these three would you work on first? Or is there another priority you value more?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Post VP Debate

In my opinion both candidates looked stronger than I expected in this debate. After Palin's interview with Katie Couric, I was wondering what she would have to say. I have heard Biden speak many times and have fallen asleep at a few of them!

Some random thoughts...
1. I liked Biden's passion which is missing most of the time.
2. Palin is great for sound bytes! She sounded like she was briefed very well.
3. Palin seeemed like she was trying to sound a little too down-homey.
4. Biden seemed a bit lost at times especially when Palin would jab him about looking back or being a Washington insider.
5. Neither candidate gained or lost in this debate. I think it is back on the principals now for the next two debates.

I have given you a topic. Talk amongst yourselves......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate

Tonight is the Vice Presidential debate. What an interesting night it shall be..some are touting this as the charismatic new-comer vs. the established veteran. They wonder if Palin's charisma will overtake the steadiness of Biden.

My guess is neither will have a sparkling performance and this will push the emphasis back to the presidential candidates...

Discuss among yourselves, I have given you a topic!