Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why I Write This Blog

For those people who don't know me, they probably wonder why a white, late thirties, middle class guy living in the Chicago area would write a blog about Africa. That is an excellent question!

While working for a large software company, I was able to travel the world helping people use a database more effectively. I worked with some of the best organizations you can think of! Eventually, my boss asked me if I would like to go visit South Africa. That was an opportunity I could not turn down. In talking to the organization I was going there to work with, they had partnered with an orphanage in the local area and asked if I wanted to experience first hand what poverty looks like in Africa.

To say I was excited to visit the orphanage was not exactly correct. It was more like intrigued because I knew it would be good for me to see. Little did I know how this would change my life.

In my next post, I will talk a little about my time at the orphanage and what it meant to me. In the book of James, it says true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. My life will never be the same after seeing what true religion looks like.

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