Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ah Yes, Mr. Bush skirts the issue...again

As I was trolling through the NY Times, I found this wonderful little tidbit of how our President views the ever-worsening situation in Africa:

"But with Kenya ravaged by post-election violence, and a worsening humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, Mr. Bush could not escape Africa’s crises, and the White House spent much of Saturday fending off suggestions that the president should be more engaged as a peacekeeper."

I am shocked by the White House saying that President Bush should not be a peacekeeper in this war-torn area. While I am sure Ms. Rice has some role in this, I cannot imagine why the President would not use the last few months in office to make a major difference in the world.

Here is my challenge:

President Bush, there is only one way to salvage your legacy as a President. Take the time and spend the last months of your presidency to make a difference in Africa. I don't care whether it is helping out Kenya's political problems, working on something to help Darfur, or concentrating on policies and possibilities to fight malaria and AIDS but, if for no other reason, for the sake of your legacy as our president do something substantial for Africa before you leave office.

If you do, millions of people throughout the world will thank you and remember you more fondly. Not to mention you can save a few lives that way.......

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