Monday, August 13, 2007

75 whatever

Ah yes, there are days when I am sad to say that my favorite sport in the whole world is baseball. Sports-wise it will always be my favorite. My grandparents actually met at a Baltimore Orioles game way back when. That is why it pains me to watch the record for most home runs in Major League Baseball go to Barry Bonds.
While I do not know Mr. Bonds, the interviews I have seen of him have not been that informative, helpful or cordial. I don't blame him for this because I am sure the media can be a serious pain at times. But, God has reached down and given Barry talent like no other player we had seen since Willie Mays whom I still consider in the top two players to ever play the game. (Number one has to be Babe Ruth, who else could have won 300 games if he had tried and did hit more than 700 home runs.)
I would hope that Mr. Bonds would be a bit more thankful that God gave him speed in his bat, an arm to throw with, and the ability to play a game everyday for a job.
This ingratitude is what caused me to respond with a yawn when homer 756 was hit. No one's life is perfect but Barry has been given a gift.
May we all use our gifts like Barry has and may all of us be much more grateful.

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