Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cholera...Just another problem for Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe, for those of you who don't know, is the place in Africa where my wife and I support a child who has HIV. The HIV problem is bad enough (to say the least) but now there is another player in the life and death game for the people of Zimbabwe: Cholera.

MDC secretary for health Dr Henry Madzorera had this to say recently: ""Our observation is that we do not have the capacity to deal with the epidemic, there are gross shortages from human resources to materials, drugs and fluids. The human resource situation is very dire, we have all nurses on strike, and only senior nurses are manning the wards. They are working long hours, they are tired and exposed to the extent that some health workers are now being infected with cholera while on duty," said Madzorera.Some health workers have also been admitted to hospitals as they contract the disease because of lack of adequate protective uniform."

It is amazing that the drug tetracycline and clean water would cure most problems with cholera in Zimbabwe. But yet, Mugabe's group denies there is even a problem with cholera. Shock...

The mismanagement of the government has caused this huge problem once again. This makes Peter Thum's mission even more important. Clean water is the basis for health around the world.

How do we get water to those who need it.....talk amongst yourselves.....

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