Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jimmy Carter and Zimbabwe

I was just reading an article in the L.A. Times about Zimbabwe. A man I admire for his tireless humanitarian efforts, former President Jimmy Carter, said the situation in Zimbabwe is much worse than can be imagined.

This is his quote from the Times:

"The entire basic structure in education, healthcare, feeding people, social services and sanitation has broken down," Carter said at a news conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. "These are all indications that the crisis in Zimbabwe is much greater, much worse than we had ever imagined."

The interesting thing is that Carter has not been to Zimbabwe lately. A group of people that includes Carter and Kofi Anan, who label themselves The Elders, were denied access to Zimbabwe by guess who?

Robert Mugabe.

Carter talked to refugees from Zimbabwe in South Africa to gather the information. An estimated 4.9 million people need aid for food and none of the 4 major hospitals are functioning in Zimbabwe.

This is a problem....read the article in the L.A. Times (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-mugabe25-2008nov25,0,7756381.story) and discuss amongst yourselves.....

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