Thursday, September 24, 2009

Malaria still kills 1 million per year in Africa

I know it has been a long quote the fount of wisdom known as Eric B and Rakim.....

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you/Without a strong rhyme to step to
Think of how many weak shows you slept through/Time's up, I'm sorry I kept you

I have written about malaria early on in this blog but it has come up again. It looks 3 billion dollars and a new organization called the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (see article here: intend to eradicate malaria in Africa by 2015.

I encourage everyone also to give to Nothing But Nets ( which is also helping to fight the malaria problem in Africa.

This problem is easily solved in theory but difficult to do in reality. We have had the cure for many moons but getting it out to the impoverished areas of Africa is difficult...along with some leaders who stop care from going to people in need. I am thankful that African leaders are banding together to fight this...let's see if they can get Mugabe to actually help his people.

If that happens, I would be VERY happy....

It's about Africa kids.....

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