Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Little Sexism by the Press?

I was amused to read what the RNC spent on clothes for Sarah Palin. While it was a large amount, it got me to wondering, is this a bit sexist?

If the RNC would have bought suits for a male veep, do you think this whole conversation would have taken place?

I don't think so...discuss amongst yourselves......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason why the press hounded Sarah Palin is becasue she positioned herself as the Wal*Mart shopping hockey mom, but she went out and spent $150,000 on clothes when her campaign has practically no money compared to Obama's.

So Repugs are upset because she wasted money, and everyone is upset because she is a hypocrite.

As for whether it is sexist, I recall Clinton being lambasted years ago for his $200 haircuts, and Edwards for his $400 ones. Seems like both sexses have been treated equally by the press.

Sarah Palin's treatment, however, is resonating more because fo the way she positioned herself and because of the RNC problems today.

Just my $0.02,
