Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Lost Boys of Sudan

My first foray into the trials and tribulations of Africa. I just got done watching a documentary on the lost boys of Sudan. First and foremost, my question goes to were there any lost girls or were they all killed as part of the process?

Transplanting a person from a war-torn area into the United States will not magically solve all the problems that have been created. While Peter and Santino flew to the United States where they felt like they would experience heaven on earth, the reality of 7 dollar an hour jobs with 570 dollar traffic tickets hit them squarely in the jaw.

I would not wish war upon anyone. But transplanting a person to another culture is not a panacea. We all should be more involved on a global level to head these things off at the pass rather be forced to be reactionary.

To the lost boys: you will not find yourself in a place. You are already found because of who you are...

It's about Africa kids....

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